The Wedding Etiquette – Hot Wedding Tips For Wedding Planning
February 4, 2017
How to avoid stress building up to, and on, your wedding day:
- Be organised and not leave arrangements to the last minute. Keep a checklist and tick the boxes.
- Ensure that all the wedding services you have booked are confirmed, especially if you booked a long way out from your wedding date.
- Choose people to work with who will help you not hinder. Example bridesmaids who will do everything possible to assist you. Same for the groomsmen.
- Feel 100% comfortable that the wedding services you are using will give you the level of service you require.
- Take into consideration in your planning that small children and animals are so cute, but be prepared that they may take attention off the stars, the bride and groom.
- Try and organise your work schedule to give you at least four days off before the wedding.
- The honeymoon is important. A time to leave your normal environment, and give yourselves time to absorb what has happened, time to be totally alone, and then fresh to return to normal routines and married life.
- “Rescue Remedy” is fantastic. It will take the edge off your nerves. Best to start taking it at least three days before your wedding. Available from all health shops.
- A worthwhile idea is to include children from former relationships by acknowledging them in your ceremony. They will then feel they are welcome in your relationship. An idea is a special gift to be given to them during the ceremony.
- Deceased parents. Just because they are no longer here in body, they will be in spirit, and you are who you are because of life’s lessons and values they have passed on to you.
- Acknowledging them in your ceremony, may bring up emotions, but this will be of great comfort and healing, especially where a parent has passed on suddenly. Parents long for recognition from their children, and to be told that you love them as they love you. We are not so good at expressing our love to our parents, this is an opportunity you probably will never have again publicly. It is a tough call not to have your parents present on your wedding day. You do have options, example to light a memorial candle, a photo on your table.
- Consider where the sun will be on your wedding day. If the sun is in your eyes everything will be black. Consider how long your guests will be standing in the sun. They will not like it and be looking for a shady spot.
- Select music for your ceremony that is you, not necessarily what is traditional.
- This is your day, a very exceptional time to have fun with those people you love and to enjoy yourselves, all your hard work, endless decisions and planning will all be worth it.
- No matter what happens, the most important thing is that you are in this together, and careful planning will ensure your day’s success.
Wishing you a great wedding day.